Where to hang Hummingbird feeder
Hanging a hummingbird feeder must prioritize the safety of hummers at all times, while nectar can spoil in too much sun, nectar can always be replace.
Where to hang hummingbird feeders would be in a centralized location that is open for hummers to perch of hover - while providing you a first class seat to observe their behavior. Favor shade over too much sun with a backyard boundary giving you this shade, with insect attracting flowers necessary.
Hummingbird feeders will attract hummingbirds if only where you hang it feels safe to use, or else hummers will go elsewhere.
I say go for a centralized area on the lawn with the option to shift the bird feeders over to the backyard boundary fence or wall - all in an effort for the hummingbird feeder to be hung in mostly shade for the day.
I have outlined ideas for hanging hummingbird feeders with centralizing, setting feeders aside to the boundary or hanging under a porch or roof overhang that applies to must peoples needs.
What you will be hanging the hummingbird feeder on at all times is a bracket on a pole, or a solid screw with a hook on the tip to hang under the porch ceiling.
Remain mindful of your personal needs, with ants or bees becoming a nuisance and bears attracted to hummingbird feeders - thus a higher, more isolated spot to hang is needed - or for the feeder to be taken indoors until the pest issue has gone away.
While ants can be deterred with a simple ant moat the bees can be kept off with bee guards to some extent - because a bee guard in particular doesn't apply to all Hummingbird feeders.
Hummingbird feeders must also be within reach at all times for you to keep up with a cleaning routine - while swapping out gone bad nectar two or three times weekly.
Feeders will need to be taken down come August to mid-September, and put back up come March - again you'd need full access to the hummingbird feeders wherever they may be hanging in the yard.
Prioritize the hummingbirds safety for now, because where you hang a hummingbird feeder can be changed later, to favor shade over direct sun.
Centralize Hummingbird Feeder on pole

Where you should really hang a hummingbird feeder in your yard to be absolutely safe is on the arm of a bracket on a bird feeding station pole or Shepherd's hook, as pictured.
Benefit to what would be a metal pole is its never going to collapse on you or the hummers as they feed. Dig the pole far into the ground to be left with a solid hummingbird feeding station pole only.
Never forget this must lead to you hanging the hummingbird feeder up to 4 feet off the ground at all times - to keep hummers and hummingbird feeders safely up and out of the way from backyard pests or predators.
Bird feeder poles can be impaled into the ground where you see fit, though a centralized location is going to assist hummingbirds use the feeder without restrictions.
Similarly, with a little selfishness on your part is this centralized location must offer unobstructed views for you, as you watch hummers come and go throughout the day.
I believe this to be the best way to hang a hummingbird feeder, as the full access around the pole can make it easy to clean, replace nectar or make any necessary changes one would need to in maintaining a feeder for hummers.
How else you are sure to benefit from a centralized bird feeder pole position is that the hummingbird feeder cannot be hung too low - with a 4 feet height expected.
For many people, a centralized area is not possible, thus to set aside a hanging hummingbird feeder on either side of the yard may be the only option, to which there is many options for you.
Boundary location in open

Rather than being forced to hang a hummingbird feeder in the center of the yard, a site near to the boundary of the yard is all you need.
Similarly, an offset location from the center of the yard is perfectly reasonable.
Boundary location of your yard will then be next to the neighbors fence or wall, or indeed take the hummingbird feeder all the way back to the yard, as far as it can go.
Now hummingbirds will appreciate a very quiet feeder location, thus this boundary location mustn't restrict birds as they come and go to feed.
You must still hang the hummingbird feeder off a bird feeder pole, though where you place the pole is vital. Up against the adjoining boundary fence or wall is not recommended - with up to a foot or two distance needed to offer decent hover space.
That way hummingbirds can tackle the feeder from all sides, while perching on the nearby fence as they think about how they will land on your feeder.
If a bracket is hanging off this fence or its post, then of course hang a hummingbird feeder off it... rather than go through the fuss of using a pole.
Boundary locations full of overhanging flowers, plant pots or the neighbors tree dangling over your yard boundary are just the right conditions for where to hang a hummingbird feeder safely, while offering much needed shade.
Hummingbird feeder food can quickly spoil in direct sun all day, thus a boundary location can allow you to hide the feeder in a bit of shade.
Under cover protection

Pushing away from the idea of hanging a hummingbird feeder on a reliable bird feeder pole, let's take a look at your other, yet popular feeder locations to hang.
In an effort to protect hummingbird feeders from all kinds of weather conditions, including an extended period of hot and sunny days - why not position the hummingbird feeder under the porch, or site under the house roof overhang.
Roof overhang can provide the hummingbird feeder rain or even snow cover if the wind direction is in your favor. And while this will be classed as a boundary location, do try to site the feeder up to 1-2 feet out - while keeping with the 4-6 feet height off the ground.
Where else you can hang a hummingbird feeder while prioritizing shade cover, there will be the possibility of hanging the feeder under the porch.

I am not talking about hanging up the feeder next to or up against the house, as this would only discourage hummingbirds.
Hummingbird feeders can leak with feeders getting messy around the body or the area directly below it - with that in mind sugary water can damage the deck.
What I am referring to is hanging the hummingbird feeder under the porch on the outer rim, thus the porch is still open for use by you while the opposite side provides hummers a promptu escape area into the open yard.
What to hang hummingbird feeders on would be the flower pot basket hook or bracket, or why no screw in a hook point screw under the porch ceiling.
Near insect attracting shrubs
To receive hummingbirds in your yard without trying is life made easy, to attract hummingbirds to a yard with no hummers present is the real difficulty.
Now I will say to not receive hummingbirds in your area, a simple hummingbird feeder will not see them appear as if out of thin air. Hummers must be nearby as to attract them to use your feeder, wherever it may hang.
And as hummers as bug eating birds, why not setup your feeder near insect attracting plants or flowers. Flowers or plants need plenty of sun, so this is where you must plant them, in a sunny spot.
Hummingbird feeders can be hung in the sun with more shade being a priority.
Continue to setup your hummingbird feeder in a centralized or boundary location, only you can plant flowers around the bird feeder pole on the base.
All kinds of insects can be attracted to nectar flowers including bees, thus you may find you'd need to get rid of bees on the hummingbird feeder by keeping the feeder clean at all times.

Not only then can hummingbirds be attracted to these flowers, in the meantime you may be able to persuade them to then use your feeder whilst they are there.
Where you hang a hummingbird feeder is in or among insect flowers which can really be an attractive prospect for hummers - so never underestimate the dedication it takes to plant flowers.
To hang a hummingbird feeder under the porch or against the house, ideally where you hang the feeder would be below or on top of hanging flowers.
If you only have a deck that is not undercover, hang your bird feeder bracket in a way that its dangling over the lawn - with flowers directly below it next to the deck boundary.
Space out in yard to get noticed
Who says you only have to hang the one hummingbird feeder to see success, when an additional one or two feeders may be what you need.
Absolutely can one or a bunch of hummingbirds be attracted to your multi-perch, top rated hummingbird feeder of its kind - when in fact more feeders can be needed at busy times... or if a bully hummer keeps others away.
Hummers are not guaranteed to spot a red in color specialty hummingbird feeder filled with their favorite nectar.
To which you'd then hang more hummingbird feeders around the yard to be sure at least one hummer spots it, with many more following behind.
With that in mind never hang a hummingbird feeder too close to regular bird feeders; hummers are far to timid to share space with larger, often more aggressive common backyard birds.

Aim for a 10-20 feet distance between the hummer nectar feeder and those belonging to peanuts, seed mixes or suet.
Be sure you can situate the hummingbird feeder out of sight of other feeders, preferably around the corner or on the other side of a backyard structure or a tree.
Hummingbird feeders ideally need to be out in the open with plenty of sun, and its fair share of shade. Hummers are less likely to use a feeder hanging in a tree, but a branch with a clear line of sight can be tried.
Hummingbirds can be trained to feed out of your hands or attracted to feed on a feeder sitting on top of a table - thus an hummingbird feeder doesn't need to hang if you can't provide an adequate hanging space.
Favor more shade
Hummingbird feeder nectar can quickly spoil in long spells of direct sunshine, thus shade is needed for much of the day to keep it in quality condition.
Nectar must be served to hummers at room temperature, and while this would unlikely be achieved in sunny or cold conditions - you must try your best to stop it spoiling too soon.
Its therefore possible a hummingbird feeder must be hung in the shade for when its hottest in the day, usually later in the morning to mid afternoon.
Situate hummingbird feeders next to the backyard boundary to hide it away from the sun, or make shade for the feeder by locating it under the cover of a tree.
Side of the house or a structure in the yard can provide shade for much of the day, while still allowing hummers to remain in the sun at all times.
Simply locate the hummingbird feeder in the yard where the shade sits for the longest, only then this position can become the permanent home where to hang the hummingbird feeder in the yard, if it remains in shade.

Mild sunny conditions are perfectly acceptable to hang a hummingbird feeder in, though I ask you to prioritize shade more in super hot, humid conditions.
Humidity can't be beat but an extended shade location can keep the nectar cooler, for longer.
Having said that, to prevent the nectar going bad you only need to replace it once a day.
Clean the hummingbird feeder as often as you can in the meantime as it will prevent any bacteria developing in and around the feeder.
Mold will develop if hummingbird feeders are not kept clean very often, or not at all.
To prevent mold growing on the feeder you must clean it with a vinegar solution, to which is sure to clear away any pockets of mold or bacteria, unseen to the naked eye. Shade of course won't prevent mold or bacteria growth, only a regular cleaning routine will.
To sum it up
Where you do decide to hang a hummingbird feeder must always take into consideration the safety and well being of hummers themselves.
Centralized area on the lawn is probably going to be the safest area in the yard to hang a hummingbird feeder, as it will provide more space for hummers to perch or hover - whilst giving you an open view of their behavior.
I say always hang a hummingbird feeder off a bird feeder pole, centralize in the yard but an offset position is possible.
Better still, if you can't provide a decent centralized area in your yard then simply impale the bird feeder pole into the ground, 1-2 feet away from the backyard boundary.
It can be against the neighbors fence or wall with flowers or a trees overhanging, or if you like push the feeder way back to the boundary furthest away from the house.
Hummingbirds do like to feed at hummingbird feeders in the sun, whereas the sun can spoil nectar quite quickly. To compromise, be sure where you hang the hummingbird feeder has more than enough shade, rather than being in direct sun all day.
Mild sun isn't going to damage the nectar so rapidly where the shade can keep it cool.
You need to keep the homemade sugary water at a near room temperature, with a clouding over bottle demonstrating the nectar has spoiled, so needs changing.
And that's just it, where you hang a hummingbird feeder should prioritize the safety of hummingbirds first - whereas the nectar can be changed more often before it goes off.
In the meantime hang the feeder mostly in shade for the day by using the side of the house or a structure in your yard that receives more shade on any side of it.
You have an option to hang one or more hummingbird feeders off a pole bracket situated in a shaded spot on the boundary of the yard, or hide it away on the side of a tree.
Its vital hummingbirds can perch anyway they wish, while those hummers that prefer to hover as they feed can do so with no obstructions preventing them doing so.