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Finch perched on clear tube seed feeder

Where do you hang a bird seed feeder

Where you'd want to hang a seed feeder is certainly in a place in the yard where local birds can find the feeders, while feeling safe to come and go as they please.

Where do you hang any type of bird seed feeder would ideally be off a bird feeder pole, which can be positioned in an area of the yard which will provide both accessibility and visibility. Positioning the bird feeder pole in the sun will ensure the hanging seed feeders stand out to passing wild birds.

When it comes to your typical tubular seed feeder designed to store general seed mixes, this tube-like feeder can hang along side all other bird feeders.

You can hang a bird seed feeder on a tree regularly frequented by seed eating birds like Finches and Chickadees, although given the opportunity to suspend a seed feeder on a bird feeder pole, would apply to many more of us.

I would then say where to hang a bird seed feeder would be on a metal bird feeder pole.

To hang a bird seed feeder off a bird feeding station - as oppose to a limited bracket Shepherd's Hook - will provide you the area needed to suspend additional feeders.

Not just peanut or a suet cage mind, there's always an opportunity to hang 2-3 additional seed feeders; what with them being the most effective type of bird seed feeder for attracting a wide variety of seed-eating bird species.

Bird seed feeders suspended off a bird feeder pole will provide you a way to keep each one at a 1 foot clearing, which means they aren't too close together.

What is more important than hanging a bird seed feeder on a pole mind, is where you'd position this bird feeder pole - which must be out in a clearing with plenty of sunshine.

With that, you'll do better attracting wild birds to multiple suspended bird feeders hung in close proximity - than you would with bird feeders sparsely hung around the yard.

Suspend on tall pole

What type of bird feeder pole is equally as important of what kind of seed feeder you so happen to be utilizing at this time.

And what bird feeder pole would be suitable for hanging seed feeders in particular, would be a multi-bracket classic bird feeding station - whereby a Shepherd's Hook style pole is limited to one or two brackets only.

As you'd probably need to hang two seed feeders minimum, on a 4-5 bracket feeding station, a Shepherd's Hook won't allow it.

You'd want to suspend the bird seed feeders on a tall bird feeder pole to keep the seeds out of reach of pests on the ground.

While at the same time a taller pole will let wild birds know there's a bird feeder pole available in your yard, as it peaks over the hedgerow.

Tall bird feeder pole that is both positioned in direct sunlight, with a location further out from the house, will ensure its a secure placement for wild birds.

Hanging locations can vary

Of course a bird feeder pole must always be placed in a well lit up area of the yard while at the same time a wide open clearing that isn't in direct sun can equally work just as well, providing its a location frequented by birds daily.

Where to hang seed bird feeders off a bird feeder pole would take the location to the front yard or what will probably be the quieter backyard for many of us. Location can vary mind, which will come down to what side of the house has a natural wild bird habitat.

With what will be a tube seed feeder which would ideally feature a seed spill tray to allow larger birds to perch, other locations around the yard may in fact beat a pole location.

Other than hang a bird feeder in an accessible tree or similar natural vegetation - which isn't a bad idea by the way - you can think about hanging seed feeders higher off the ground, in an effort to deter pests.

Certainly to keep squirrels off a bird feeder you can suspend any seed feeder on the eaves, which will include the soffit or the guttering.

Squirrels are never going to climb the side of the house which is why bird feeders hung up near the roof, will ensure bird feeders are kept clear of pets, predators, and pests.

Group with additional feeders

Where to hang a bird seed feeder must always be among a group of bird feeders that may happen to dispense all other types of seed mixes intended for Finches for example, including peanut only or suet cake bird feeders.

Seed bird feeders would be hung in a tight grouping in a way to attract wild birds to only the one location.

Location being a bird feeder pole with up to 4-5 spare brackets to hang just as many bird feeders, with an essential open dish to heap in extras bird feed.

Birds can miss a bird feeder hung separately in the yard and may end up being not used at all, as it often goes unseen.

Bird feeder poles are designed to hang multiple bird feeders together with only a foot or so clearing.

I wouldn't suggest utilizing all types of bird feeders mind, when I know you'd do better to attract birds by offering all one to two vary different kinds of seed bird feeders, like an open to all hopper bird feeder.

Adding an additional suet bird feeder or a dish full of mealworms will also help to attract birds, rather than depend on seeds only.

Seeds wild birds eat the most of is millet which is found in regular bird seed mixes, plus any sunflower seeds and thistle if added. To have all these seed options added to your suspended bird feeders, you'd be catering to a wide variety of seed-eating birds.


Don't have to make it complicated at all in fact as any type of seed bird feeder can be hung in an isolated location - which can attract fewer seed-eating birds - or hang a single seed feeder along with other types of bird feeders on a bird feeder pole.

Better yet, to add two seed bird feeders near too each other on a bird feeder pole, will ensure they're more visible to passing birds.

Seed feeders don't need special treatment when it comes to where to hang a seed feeder, as it can hang in isolation or suspended with others on a pole or tree branch.

What is more important it that the seeds within the seed feeder remain accessible, and only a seed spill tray can open up confined seed feeder to larger birds like Cardinals.

Position the bird feeder pole out in the light while making sure there's enough clearing all around.

With the seed bird feeder, or other types of feeders, suspended off a single bird feeder pole, this will ideally be the current location where all wild birds converge in your yard.

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