What kind of feeders do Finches like
Finches use all kinds of seed-filled feeders plus nectar-filed if you'd believe it, providing they continue to be accessible for all levels of a Finches compatibility at feeders.
What kind of feeders do Finches like would be clear window sunflower seed or thistle-filled seed feeders. Similarly, a soft fabric Finch Sock can be an exciting prospect yet must be be hung to be seen. Finches are primarily seed-eating birds thus any kind of seed feeder will be attractive to the Finch family.
What feeder you decide to go far must be a favorite of the specific Finch which frequents your yard the most.
It could be House Finches, American Goldfinches or Evening Grosbeaks as their too part of the Finch family - or else all this would be for nothing if Finches don't occupy your yard, prior to situating their own feeder.
How to attract Finches to a new feeder then would be making sure the feeder is filled with thistle seeds for all Finches; while making the most of sunflower seeds for House Finches in a compatible seed feeder or offer this larger seed out in the open.
Meanwhile, American Goldfinches will share a window seed feeder with their cousins if their small thistle seeds are well stocked up.
What bird feeder you must go for then is a clear window panoramic or hexagon style seed feeder - as it utilizes a wider tray surround with seed mixes out in the elements.
On the plus side the tray is easier for Finches to perch while it benefits all other common songbirds at the same time.
Other than a made in plastic seed-filled clear tube seed feeder, a Finch sock feeder can be an attractive prospect when replenishing it with small black thistle seeds.
Finches like window seed feeders

Finch family can often be found converging on any kind of bird seed feeder hung up in the yard.
As a clear tube feeder, it doesn't really matter what kind but finches like an accessible perch or wider tray they can perch as they eat their favorite seeds - be it sunflower seeds if its House Finches or smaller black thistle seeds for American Goldfinches.
Finches can often be seen on a larger rounded panoramic style seed feeder whilst an hopper style bird feeder makes easy work at feeding time.
Seed feeders for the Finch family would benefit them more if its hung off a tree branch, with of course an option to just use your standard bird feeder pole.
When offering seeds in any kind of accessible seed bird feeder, be sure to offer cheaper seed mixes with sunflower, thistle or Nyjer seeds included in the seed mix.
Your standard window tube seed feeder is fully compatible with Finches, thus you only need to keep it full of seeds to be sure they keep coming back.
Why aren't Finches coming to your bird feeder could because no seeds are made available - and whilst you must prioritize seeds to attract Finches to a feeder - there's certainly an option to offer suet cakes alongside seeds.
Prioritize sunflower seeds

You really can't go wrong by always offering quality sunflower seeds to your Finches on feeders - as it allows most of the Finch family who do use feeders, to actually feed.
Long clear tube window seed feeders won't cut it, thus the kind of feeder Finches like are the larger, wider window feeders whereby sunflower seeds are exposed to the elements.
Sunflower seeds can be added to a specialist sunflower seed bird feeder, which is essentially a wire bird feeder - or seeds can be simply added to a window tube feeder that filters seeds out on a tray which becomes accessible on the outside.
Prioritize sunflower seeds to be sure you cater to the widest number of Finches currently occupying the feeder space.
Great alternative to only offering sunflower seeds can be smaller black seed mixes such as Nyjer seeds or what is similar thistle seeds.
Both of which are far smaller seeds which American Goldfinches love in a Finch sock.
Cheaper seed mixes can be used although Finches would normally sift through the bird seed mix to only eat seeds they like.
Its all well and good picking a type of bird feeder Finches like best, but its worth remembering - no feeder would be used unless its replenished with a Finches favorite.
Wide tray or perch compatible

Back on the subject of window tube seed feeders, as its one of only a few bird feeders Finches can be found on - so go out of your way to make it accessible.
Now I will say the kind of feeder Finches like to perch on can be open to all birds, or be the kind of bird feeder that is far more restricting - when it utilizes a smaller, shorter perch which are situated near the seed feeder port holes.
Too short perch mounted on a long hanging seed feeder can appear if Finches are pushed up against it, making feeding time a little bit on the tricky side.
Whilst absolutely true, its worth noting Finches are fully compatible with these kinds of feeders regardless of a too short perch.
However there's no harm in helping a Finch out by utilizing a window tube seed bird feeder that are made with a long perch.
Better still is a rounded window tube seed feeder where the perch placement is actually a full surrounded tray - which acts as a food tray plus perch circling the feeder.
Best kind of window tube seed feeder for Finches will be called a panoramic or hexagon seed feeder which is always made to be hung.
When using a hopper style seed feeder commonly made in wood, this much stabilized hanging seed feeder will use a wide wooden perch opposite sides of each other - which a Finch can be seen on as it shares the space with other backyard bird species.
Feeder made to hang

First let me tell you, members of the Finch family who do use bird feeders, will use any kind of bird feeder that is made to hang or is mounted on a pole even.
That being said, I don't remember the last time I seen a Finch, or should I say an House Finch with my personal circumstances - not feeding on a hanging seed feeder.
With that I would suggest you use a seed-filled bird feeder that is designed to be hung.
Why that is because in the wild, Finches will mostly feed up in trees on buds, berries and seeds; thus a hanging bird feeder can be hung up in an environment which is comfortable yet familiar to Finches.
Window tube seed bird feeders will mostly be made to be hung, which makes use of a long length of wire or a chain to dangle the feeder.
Which is just as well because to hang a seed-filled feeder can allow you to introduce squirrel deterrents - like a squirrel baffle - if the issue of squirrels arise now or later on.
With all that said and done, don't be surprised to find Finches perched on bird feeders like a suet cake feeder mounted to a pole. Similarly, Finches can on occasions be seen to happily feed on a seed-filled window bird feeder, that actually sticks to glass.
Where to place a Finch bird feeder would be off an accessible low tree branch, but there's no harm in using a bird feeder pole if no tree is made available within your yard.
Open dish is welcoming

Catering exclusively to the Finch family can certainly guarantee great success if you currently receive an abundance of Finches in your yard.
In catering to Finches though its possible other birds who frequent your yard may go without - as a Finch available seed feeder could be restricting other seed-eating birds - although that is rare for sure.
With that being said, you can't go wrong by offering seeds to Finches in a kind of bird feeder that is open to the elements.
What is called a platform bird feeder, its designed to hold all kinds of wild bird food on top of flat platform - but unfortunately can be difficult to use in wet weather.
In trying times, an open top dish can be very welcoming to the Finch family and pretty much all other common backyard birds.
No restrictions on in place as Finches can land on a wide open platform or easily perch on the rim of a pole mounted wire mesh dish to feed.
Despite believing Finch bird feeders need to be yellow or a certain style; they really don't have to be as Finches will land on an open top platform to eat their favorite seeds if made available to them only.
Seed-filled Finch sock

What I would say is the best kind of feeder for Finches is a soft mesh, hanging Finch sock for hanging up off a tree branch as natural cover.
What is a Finch Sock is essentially as it sounds, only its a soft netted-like mesh that is covered in tiny hold for Finches to poke their bills in to pull out their favorite small black thistle seeds this time - so much larger sunflower seeds are not compatible in a sock.
If you want to attract American Goldfinches in particular to your feeder then a Finch Sock is sure to grab their attention - with the likelihood of Chickadees, Titmouse and other birds perching on this soft sock to eat.
What seed you use to fill a Finch Sock is reserved for the small black seeds of thistle, also known as Nyjer seed.
Not just a favorite with common bird feeder Finches either, as most of the Finch family could be seen to eat thistle seed given half a chance, but not necessarily on a feeder.
Thistle-filled Finch socks attracts a variety of Finches and common songbirds, thus this sock could be worth the investment when it can attract all kinds of birds.
Buy it as a white in color sock only to hang off a length of string, or use a specialty Finch Sock feeder which is hung below a dome that acts as a rain cover - plus is a way to hang the sock securely off a branch or bracket.
Feed on Hummingbird feeder

While there's nothing more than a thistle or sunflower seed-filled window tube seed feeder to attract Finches, Finches can also be seen occupying an hummingbird feeder.
If you didn't know, hummingbird feeders are often used by other birds in the yard, thus the sweet sugary water can be a tempting prospect for thirsty birds.
Which isn't unheard of with Finches as the species do like to use a bird bath when they need to hydrate or preen their feathers.
And while a Finch feeder can often be found hanging up in the vicinity - but not next to a hummingbird feeder I might add - its any wonder a Finch will fly over to a hummingbird feeder to investigate the sweet liquid to drink.
I wouldn't suggest your buy a hummingbird feeder exclusively for use by Finches with no hummingbirds about - but if you do cater to hummers its worth remembering the Finches can be seen perched on it once in a while.
Continue to only feed Finches in a window tube seed feeder with thistle or sunflower seeds made available - while only consider using a hummingbird feeder for an hummer-filled backyard, whenever hummingbirds are in season.
What kind of feeders do Finches like, or at least members of the Finch family who use bird feeders - would be a clear window tube seed-filled feeder.
Finches like a clear tube seed feeder because its often filled with their favorite sunflower seeds or smaller black thistle seeds.
While a Finch can perch on the most restricting seed-filled feeder, let's make life easier on them by utilizing a seed bird feeder that is referred to as a panoramic or hexagon seed feeder - because its built with an open to all tray surround.
What else you could prioritize when finding out what bird feeders Finches like most, would be ones that hang, but it isn't necessary.
Finches forage for all kinds of food up in trees thus a window tube seed feeder made to hang can be hung up off a tree branch; which can feel at home to House Finches in particular because its the kind of habitat Finches occupy in the wild.
Other than a made in plastic window tube seed feeder, there's nothing an American Goldfinch liked more - plus other Finches and songbirds - than a soft mesh Finch Sock.
Finch Socks are hole-filled soft fabric feeders which can store small thistle seeds that Finches adore - while the sock can be easily cleaned if folded inside out.
Now that you know what bird feeders a Finch likes most, let's not forget about feeding other common birds alongside the Finch family.
What you can offer alongside seed-filled bird feeders which are probably hung off a tree branch or bird feeder pole bracket - is to utilize an open top platform bird feeder or metal wire mesh tray to allow all birds to feed with no restrictions put in place.