What is a Hopper bird feeder
As a type bird feeder, distinction between a hopper style bird feeder and a regular bird feeder is in what is looks like, how its designed and the way it discharges bird seeds.
What are hopper bird feeders is a made in wood feeder that commonly uses two panels of clear perspex windows, with a gap near to the bottom to allow seeds to taper downwards. Seeds then filter out through these gaps and onto a bird feeding tray. Platform is protected with angled roof, as birds perch on the rim.
Not your typical hanging seed feeder the hopper style but more so a house bird feeder with roof, and two window panels included.
Clear windows are slotted in opposite so both sides can be used as a perch, as birds have an option to perch on the rim or it can be made with a purpose built outer perch.
How the hopper bird feeder works is simply by gravity, as seeds are eaten up over the coming days, the seed level will drop out of the openings on opposite sides, thus allowing the platform feeding tray to be continually filled with seeds.
And seeds its must be as hopper bird feeders tend to be seed feeders only, as seeds are available in bulk and can last longer as far more seed feed is used in the backyard.
Hopper bird feeders are far larger than any other type, and this platform where the seeds spill onto allows small Chickadees too much larger Blue Jays to feed at any time.
The best hopper bird feeders you can buy are made to be partially disassembled, so a thorough clean of the interior is possible without restrictions.
More importantly, to build a hopper bird feeder of you own is not very difficult if you have basic carpentry skills.
To put it in layman's terms, a hopper bird feeder is a rectangular wooden bird house feeder with clear windows where seeds are stored behind and a feeding tray for seeds to filter onto through gaps at the bottom.
Feeder allows seeds to drop
Hopper bird feeders are designed in such a way, the bird food held behind the clear perspex window would drop as birds eat more and more of the food.
How that works on a hopper style bird feeder is where the seeds are held on the bottom feeding tray.
As wild birds perched on either side of the clear windows the seeds are eaten up on the base, and as the seeds are consumed they slowly drop at minute increments at a time - thus never becoming noticeable by you.
Where the hopper bird feeder inherits its name is from the hopper, or silos used in farming - whereas stored grain is released at the bottom.
Difference being with a hopper bird feeder there's no off or on switch, so bird feed simply discharges at the bottom under the weight of the seeds contained within.
Seeds drop downwards with use
As hopper bird feeders are mostly used for wild bird seed mixes, the seeds can only taper downwards towards an open gap at the base of the clear window.
This slit can be up to an inch wide only but made so only few seeds can filter through at a time - preventing too many seeds spilling over, and onto the ground.
No certain amount of bird seeds are needed for this to function, but it is helped along in the way the interior is constructed.
Rather than the hopper bird feeder being a simple box with clear windows, the center of this feeder has an angle to it.
What this does is allow bird seeds to filter out to the sides only, thus preventing seeds becoming trapped in the middle, out of reach of birds.
Design can very but this is an important part of an hopper feeder, or else it risks bird seeds not only going to waste, but going rotten if not attended to regularly by the person in charge of looking after the bird feeders.
Discharges feed onto base
What must be present on a hopper bird feeder is of course quite a large feeding platform that acts as seed tray and perch.
General construction of the hopper is long and wide, so not only does this base have to support the entire build of the two wall plus two window built - but more tray space is needed to hold seeds out in the elements.
Up to three inches the feeding platform can protrude out on either side of the clear windows, in which the platforms are situated just below them.
This can allow a multitude of common backyard birds to feed at any given time, but this tray is often built with a surround to prevent seeds not only spilling onto the ground, but it can be where birds choose to perch.
If not, then the hopper style bird feeder can have its own independent bird perch built away from the seeds - which makes sense to at least prevent bird droppings in seeds.
This base would normally have draining holes to allow rain water and moisture to drain away, as everything is walled in.
Clear window feeder style
Made in wood, but what a hopper bird feeder must have is a sheet of thin clear plastic windows, positioned opposite sides of each other.
Known as perspex, plexiglas or simply clear plastic, this often flimsy sheet is designed to hold the seeds behind - all while allowing you to keep an eye on the seed level at any given time.
These clear windows would usually sit at an angle to assist in the downward spiral of the seeds, but it can also serve to offer more feeding tray space.
Space it creates avoids the need for a wider hopper, whereas to place the perspex on an angle can help keep the seeds within the overhang of the roof sitting above.
What manufacturers of hopper bird feeders do when building this type of bird feeder is making sure this wooden bird feeder can be clean out, without compromising the construction.
They therefore always make sure both panels of clear plastic sheets can be pulled out of their corresponding slots, while easily slotted back in place.
This will allow you to clean the interior hopper feeder with ease while an hinged roof will offer the space needed to pull out the plastic clear windows.
Protection against the weather

Unlike your commonly used caged suet feeders, mesh peanut or tube seed feeders, a hopper style feeder can offer some protection against the wet weather.
Hoppers appear like a house along with its angled roof to allow rain to drain off.
Roof design can vary but what you can expect on the hopper feeder is enough protection as the roof spreads out so wide - the seeds laying out in the elements below it are mostly kept dry.
However, that can depend on how much overhang there is on opposite sides of the roof.
What you must remember is diagonal rain or snow [as seen in the photo above] cannot be avoided at all times, but overall you can expect 90% protection at all times.
Perfect then as this would allow the bird seeds in use to last longer, while creating plenty of shade from the sun.
Its important the hinged roof isn't compromised with a gap on this joint, where rain water can filter through.
Likewise, if its an hanging hopper bird feeder, make sure the rope or chain its fixed too are on the outer sides - so any rain water remains on the outside of the feeder.
Hoppers hang or mounted
Similar to what you would call a bird feeding platform which can be hung or be mounted, so same goes for the hopper bird feeder.
If you wanted to use a hanging style hopper feeder, then you would need a tree in your yard with quite a hefty branch that can hold the weight of the feeder, plus seeds.
On the other hand, to use a post mounted hopper feeder, then it could be you don't have the available tree in your backyard.
It can really depend on taste mind as no one option is better than the other, regardless of the tree you do or don't have available.
I would say though an always large hopper bird feeder would appear out of place on a bird feeding station, amongst smaller feeders.
Huge benefit to a post or stand mounted hopper bird feeder is the ability to move it around the yard in an effort to attract more birds, all while finding the perfect spot to match the decor of your garden.
That option is limited with a hanging hopper bird feeder with only a tree branch to use.
Typically made in wood
I don't believe I have ever seen a hopper bird feeder that is made in anything else other than timber, usually cedar or oak.
So you can expect a hopper bird feeder of you choice to be made in wood.
Care is needed when using a bird feeder made in wood as cleaning and maintenance is a little more difficult, as oppose to metal or plastic that can be scrubbed or soaked in hot water to clean it up of its residue build up.
Its only possible then to clean a wooden hopper bird feeder with care if its painted or stained, using soapy hot water without the need to wipe.
Timber build hopper bird feeders are far different in design and style to much smaller seed or peanut feeders, or suet feeders if you like - but the wood build is far more attractive in most backyards than the metal or plastic options.
And as a hopper feeder is generally hung in a tree more often than not, a wooden build can certainly complement the area its situated in.
Built in rectangular shape
One important feature of a hopper bird feeder is something you might not of realized, but would do now its been mentioned.
That is hopper bird feeders are always almost made in a rectangular shape.
Square hopper bird feeders are available but it has to be said, the longer style is far more appealing, while offering plenty of space for more birds to feed at any time.
As a hopper bird feeder only offers two genuine feeder sides, to make it in a rectangular shape can open up the feeder to allow far more birds to share this space.
To be square it can be simply classed as any wooden bird feeder, but then to be in this rectangular shape the hopper style bird feeder kind can be distinguished from other types of bird feeders.
I believe a longer bird feeder like a hopper can blend in with any backyard landscape, especially if it must be hung or mounted to a post beneath it.
To summarize
What is a hopper bird feeders are basically a wooden bird feeder, designed to hold seeds in its clear two window panel compartment.
Its designed in such a way it allows bird seeds to drop to the bottom as the seeds are consumed over the coming days and weeks.
Opening at the bottom of each panel of clear plastic windows is where seeds escape, thus ending on the outside of the feeder and into a feeding platform the house of the hopper is mounted to.
Hopper means to allow feed to taper downwards into an opening, only this opening drops out into a tray where birds perch to feed.
Hopper bird feeders are covered only with an hinge roof, and so to can be mounted on a post for mobility, or be hung off a rope to chain.
Designed with angled roof like this allows rain water to be controlled in such a way it cannot reach the bird feed sat out in the elements, sitting below the roof overhang.
Notice how hopper bird feeders tend to be exclusively made in wood and are a long, rectangular shape.