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Published 16th September 2021

Why do birds eat suet

Birds like to eat suet because the fat in suet can provide them energy when its most needed, primarily in winter, with other vital ingredients included.

Published 15th September 2021

Why do Hummingbird feeders get moldy

Mold is likely to grow on hummingbird feeders on areas that remain damp, such as around port wells - or mold will form above the water line internally.

Published 14th September 2021

What to do with Hummingbird feeder while on vacation

Let a family member take over responsibilities if its a long vacation, while a short stay away can allow feeders being pulled down without issues later.

Published 13th September 2021

What are fat balls for birds

Fat balls is a fatty intake of energy wild bird food, made out of rendered beef fat with more tasty ingredients added to make the ball shape to pop in a feeder.

Published 12th September 2021

Can bird feeders make you sick

Bird feeders can make people sick as wild birds transfer bacteria on the exterior due to rotten bird food or poop, to which people transfer to their mouths.

Published 11th September 2021

Which bird feeder attracts most birds

What can be the only bird feeder available today that will attract more birds to it than any other, is a stabilized pole mounted platform bird feeder.

Published 10th September 2021

Best window Hummingbird feeders

To get you off the ground with a window hummingbird feeder, the best options include an ant moat, have big suction cups yet can stick to a window or hang.

Published 9th September 2021

Why won't birds use my bird feeder

Could it be you are only using enclosed bird feeders when your birds demand an open to all platform, or could it be you are offering up the wrong food.

Published 9th September 2021

What can I hang my bird feeder on

Objects in your yard to safely hang a bird feeder can be a gutter or flower pot basket; or why not rely on a bird feeding station or a Shepherd's hook.

Published 8th September 2021

How to attract birds to apartment balcony

Difficulty in attracting birds to a balcony gets harder the higher it is; with that said you only need to apply the same strategy for attracting birds to the yard.