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Can wild birds eat Flaxseed
What with Flaxseed being readily available, it has a familiar nutty taste with a soft bite; its any wonder most seed-eating birds do eat this small seed.
How often should you clean bird feeders
Clean bird feeders as often as you can to get ahead of decaying bird food ruining the interior with stains, or doing unrepairable damage with rot.
7 nutritious things to feed wild birds
When offering random things found around the home to wild birds, make sure its has nutritional value - while at the same time can be fed out of feeders.
Can bird feeders be too close together
Bird feeders can be too close if it means they are knocking each other in the process, birds appreciate grouped feeders but spacing can allow feeding in safety.
Disadvantages of bird feeders
Positives certainly outweigh the negatives with bird feeders but that isn't to say the disadvantages of bird feeders isn't a real concern, as they are.
What is a bird bath dripper
Birds would be difficult to attract to a bird bath that is setup in isolation, while a bird bath dripper is used to make sound of water with ripples.
Where to hang Finch Sock
White fabric sock can be hung in greenery to be seen, yet to be hung in a tree the sock must be accessible - or it can be hung on a feeder pole above shrubs.
How to keep water in bird bath
Water can simply evaporate out of a bird bath in the sun, but to avoid wasting more water: add rocks, stabilize it, keep water depth shallow or simply fill it daily.
How often should you fill a bird feeder
How often should bird feeders be filled with bird food can be once every two weeks in milder conditions, while increasing to once a week in summer.
How to hang a bird feeder without a tree
Birds don't need a tree to feed in your yard, even if its what they forage on in the wild; instead you can use a bird feeder pole, bracket or a clothesline.