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Published 14th November 2021

How to keep bird bath from freezing

How you will keep ice out of a bird bath is to delay proceedings, rather than prevent it; but it can be achieved with your personal intervention.

Published 13th November 2021

Do wild birds eat Walnuts

I couldn't ever imagine sharing walnuts with my backyard birds, although can safely be fed to birds if they're first cracked open out of their shell.

Published 11th November 2021

Do birds like red bird feeders

Hummingbirds in particular are attracted to red bird feeders, whereas as more common birds simply like bright colors, as it can draw them to the feeder.

Published 10th November 2021

Where to hang a birdhouse

Birdhouses must really be mounted to a vertical platform rather than risking birds abandoning their young in a box that risks swinging or twisting.

Published 9th November 2021

What kind of feeders do Blue Jays like

Blue Jays are larger than normal thus favor an accessible feeder for their body mass, thus an open top platform or seed feeder with wide perch is best.

Published 8th November 2021

Do Cardinals use bird baths

Much like all backyard birds, Cardinals are no different in using a bird bath; Northern Cardinals must still prune their feathers or drink water to re-hydrate.

Published 8th November 2021

Best color for bird feeder

Bird feeders made in vibrant colors can be seen by birds yet a specific color theme can cater to a certain bird species sharing the same plumage color.

Published 7th November 2021

How to stabilize a bird bath

Bird baths can be on the unstable side whenever they are sat on the ground, but it can be quickly fixed if using fine gravel as a foundation mold.

Published 6th November 2021

How to use fat balls for birds

No limit to how you proceed with fat balls intended for wild birds only; the balls can be added to a corresponding feeder or why not go without a feeder.

Published 5th November 2021

Best way to feed Blackbirds

While seen to forage higher up in trees, this can lead to Blackbirds tackling a bird feeder that hangs; although the best way to feed Blackbirds is on the ground.