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How to attract Cardinals to bird feeder
Get Cardinals into your yard by setting up an open to all platform bird feeder; favorite foods to offer them are sunflower seeds, dried mealworms and berries.
Can Hummingbirds use Oriole feeders
Hummingbirds can use oriole feeders despite restrictions in place, as an oriole feeder is made for a larger bird, while a much smaller hummer can find it difficult.
Where to hang Oriole feeder
Orioles forage for insects in trees and shrubs in the wild, thus a tree can be used to hang a feeder with orioles happy to feed up on a bird feeder pole.
What is a Predator Guard on a birdhouse
Predator guards can be a steel plate, a block of wood or a cage device that allows birds to enter a birdhouse as normal, while keeping predators out of reach.
Are plastic Hummingbird feeders safe
No issues have been detected while offering nectar to Hummers in plastic Hummingbird feeders, with no chemicals or microplastic released in nectar.
How to feed birds in snow
Bird feeders will protect food in snowfall whereby to feed birds on the ground you can throw it within sheltered areas, but always replace food regularly.
Are Pine Cone bird feeders good for birds
Stuffed with beef fat to re-store lost body weight or made in a protein rich peanut butter for energy, pine cone bird feeders can only be good for our wild birds.
Can wild birds eat Hemp seeds
Despite the Hemp seed originating on a well known drug plant, Hemp seeds are perfectly safe for people of all ages, so can be fed to your wild birds.
How often to change bird bath water
To be safe, everyone should be changing out their bird bath water twice weekly on average, whilst this increases to three times or daily in summer.
How to attract birds to feeder in winter
To attract birds to a bird feeder in wintertime you only need to continue using what you did in summer through fall, with a priority on seeds, nuts or fruits.