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How to keep large birds off bird feeder
What is an effective way to keep large birds off any bird feeder is if its trapped behind a squirrel proof cage, only smaller birds are able to pass between.
How to keep bees away from bird bath
Keep bees happy with their own water source alongside a plate of sugar water to be sure it gets bees attention, with an option to drink or feed.
6 tips to keep squirrels away from bird feeders
Among the best tips I can give you is to feed the nuisance squirrels within their own designated area, at a distance away but seen near bird feeders.
How to keep bird bath water cool
Birds can be happy to bathe or hydrate in warm water although you can setup a bird bath dripper to replenish old water with new, plus other benefits included.
Should Hummingbird feeders be in the sun or shade
One of many responsibilities of owning a hummingbird feeder is not only offering fresh, clean nectar, but keeping the nectar mixture as cool as possible.
What color is best for bird houses
Pinkish-red is the best color for bird houses as an untreated bird house is discreet; yet a colored bird house is an option to match the tone of its location.
Will Hummingbird feeder attract bees
Bees will be attracted to hummingbird feeders, guaranteed in season; to prevent this clean the feeder exterior often, while cleaning up the ground below it.
Do bird baths need running water
Still water in a bird bath can go unnoticed by many birds, of which running water can change all that as the sounds and sights of water is attractive.
What to hang Hummingbird feeder on
Rely on a simple yet easy to assemble bird feeder pole to hang a hummingbird feeder, in a lit up clearing visible to hummers, with other options to consider.
Where to put Oranges for Orioles
Its possible to attract orioles to eat or sip orange slices or halves if impaled on a visible tree branch, stabbed on oriole feeder spike or wedged on a feeder pole.