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Published 18th March 2022

Best way to clean bird feeders

No quick cleaning solution for a bird feeder as bacteria or mold must be removed by disassembling each part for a vinegar disinfectant bath.

Published 17th March 2022

Do Bluebird houses need a perch

Bluebirds themselves can exit and enter a bird house without assistance of a perch of any kind, only the perch can assist predators gaining access.

Published 16th March 2022

Are bird baths messy

Like bird feeders, a bird bath would be a cause of concern as birds can become unwell if drinking or bathing in dirty water, thus it must be cleaned regularly.

Published 15th March 2022

What SIZE Hummingbird feeder is best

Why not invest in several small size hummingbird feeders in an effort to attract hummingbirds to your feeder, rather than worry about size.

Published 14th March 2022

Can Hummingbird feeders be hung low

When a hummingbird feeder can be hung low is if it remains untouched at all times, in a busier yard with pets, wildlife or predators, then higher up it must go.

Published 13th March 2022

Can Hummingbird feeders be in the sun

While hummingbird feeders can be in the sun, as its what hummers like the most; nectar can spoil under the heat so shade must be a priority at all times.

Published 12th March 2022

Do Hummingbirds like BLUE feeders

Hummingbirds really do like a blue feeder just as much as one in red or green; key is to keep feeder clean so the nectar filled bottle can be noticed.

Published 11th March 2022

What color should a bird bath be

Forget about the color of the bird bath when the bath itself can be more appealing if its sat in a bright environment in the yard, along with moving water.

Published 10th March 2022

Do Hummingbirds prefer feeders with perches

Hummers are not seen to prefer a feeder with or indeed without a perch, while they are fully capable of feeding in hover, but a perch can allow hummers to rest.

Published 9th March 2022

How to keep algae out of bird bath

Key to keeping algae out of your bird bath is by cleaning your bird bath bowl in dish soap regularly, long before algae has a chance to develop.