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Best way to hang a bird feeder
Never depend on a too small hoop or short wire length attached to a feeder, thus its vital to use a longer wire or wider hoop to get over a thick branch or bracket.
Can you put oats in a bird feeder
When we talk about bird feeders intended for use with seeds, peanuts or suet pellets for example then no, oats cannot be used in bird feeders.
How do you organize a bird feeder
Whichever direction birds are found to arrive at your bird feeders throughout the day, is the location bird feeders must be hung, preferably in a lit up area.
Do Hummingbird feeders attract ants
Nothing else are ants attracted to more than the sweet smell of sugar, of which ants can detect sugar in a hummingbird feeder so will access it.
Best way to feed Robins
Robins can use bird feeders yet rarely do, ground feeding birds like Robins forage on the ground, thus your lawn will become the best way to feed Robins.
What to do when Bees take over Hummingbird feeder
Bees will disappear only when the hummingbird feeder is taken down; it would need to be packed away to be brought out again several days later.
How close can Hummingbird feeders be
You'd want to space out two or more feeders a minimum of 1 foot apart, any closer could lead to each feeders perches or port wells becoming inaccessible.
What do you put in an ant moat
You only need to fill up your ant moat with plain tap water with an option to use sugary water to entice ants into it, with Vaseline given a go if you like.
Will Hummingbirds share a feeder
What are 99% of hummingbirds at a feeder happy to share without issues, occasionally a bully will defend the nectar-filled feeder all to himself.
How to clean a bird table
Bird tables must be cleaned regularly to get ahead of any hard to remove sticking leftovers; and it only takes a soapy wash with use of a hard bristle brush.