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Seven hummingbirds occupy hummingbird feeder hung under soffit

How to hang a Hummingbird feeder from soffit

Why hang a hummingbird feeder from soffit, which is generally in a difficult spot, certainly outweighs the negatives when a simple solution is found with easy accessibility.

How you'd hang a hummingbird feeder in the most inconvenient location - of the underside of a soffit - would be to rely on one of a soffit clip, or a alumahanger. Both devices are used to slot into available gaps created on soffit construction, of which the clip or alumahanger will have a hanger to hang feeders on.

Genuine reasons to hang a hummingbird feeder so high off the ground could relate to lack of space in the yard, to make the feeder more visible to hummingbirds, or to keep common pests out of reach of the feeder.

Why hang hummingbird feeders high off the ground isn't without difficulty, but with time you will come to a safe solution.

Focus is on what device to use to insert or screw on any soffit nook or cranny, thus a soffit clip is every thing you could ask for.

With the soffit running side by side with a groove between each board - and an available gap separating each panel - its in-between these boards you should be able to find a slot to stick a soffit clip in to. Soffit clips securely hook on to the interior of soffit boards, while the opposite end provides a hook for hanging available.

Bonus of a soffit location, is that you could fall-back on an easier to hang a hummingbird feeder on the gutter, but for now let's continue with your soffit options.

Second option can include a device similar to a soffit clip called a alumahanger or alumahook; made to insert in a wider gap on the soffit of which a larger, yet sometimes a sturdier hook can be utilized to hang a heavier bird feeder.

Last but not least, you can always drill in a screw with a hook on the end to hang feeders.

Access is important mind as you'd need to reach your hummingbird feeder on what can be a dangerous high up placement; thus to use wire or rope to lower or raise the feeder to remain accessible directly outside your window, will be a delightful bonus.

In the meantime there's huge benefits in going through the trouble of hanging your nectar-filled hummingbird feeder off a super high or first floor soffit, as it will deter squirrels or racoon's who tend to access other locations with ease.

Not on a soffit I can assure, though its vital you position the hang point closer to the gutter if that makes any sense, as you'd want to allow room for the feeder to swing without risking it knocking into the window or house.

Insert no-screw soffit clip

What can be the most effective yet easiest way to hang a hummingbird feeder on the soffit, is to make use of a specialty soffit no-screw clip.

Available to buy on Etsy among other places online, this clip is just that, it slots into an available groove that is featured on most soffit boards.

With the soffit panels lined up side by side as they should, this as you may know will leave a space in-between them, which is how each soffit it laid. What you don't know is, that hidden under each soffit is a slot which is suitable for a soffit clip to be inserted in.

Soffit clips are just that, a clip which is essentially a metal device with a hook on the end.

Well, its this deep hook you can use to hang your hummingbird feeder on, providing the feeder features a loop or wire to hang... which I expect it will.

This method isn't without safety issues mind you, thus you must hang your hummingbird feeder on this clip filled with a heavy water load as a test at first, to see if it will hang on the clip which is hung on the soffit board for a while, without collapsing.

If you can be 100% sure the hummingbird feeder will hold, including time provided to prove any wind won't knock it off - then do continue to use the feeder as you should.

You can hang other kinds of bird feeders off a soffit, as they tend to be much lighter than a fully loaded 8 to 34oz of liquid in a hummingbird feeder.

Alumahangers an option

Closely linked to utilizing a specialty soffit clip to slot onto a thin gap that is usually available on the gaps between each soffit board; alumahangers work pretty much the same way, only they slot into either end of the soffit board.

Alumahangers, or alumahooks, are designed to slot into the gaps created between each soffit board, at the end points only.

Choose between inserting the alumahanger at a vertical position to hang feeders this way, or position the alumahanger horizontally if feel this is a safer way for your hummingbird feeder to hang.

Rather than finding its own hold that a soffit clip grips into, the hold of a alumahanger relies heavily on a tight fit between the end gaps in the soffit.

Don't fit the alumahanger into the first gap you try, instead slot it into each and every soffit gap - until you come across one with the tightest fit.

I'd recommend you to buy a long alumahanger as you'd need the length to drop below any fascia board in the way of a hanging hummingbird feeder. And with that, its essential the hanger is positioned on the outside, to provide room for the feeder to hang freely.

Alumahangers, if you haven't heard of them before, is a simple device made to hang plant pots to Christmas decorations around the outside of the house, thus to hang a hummingbird feeder like this, wouldn't be unusual at all.

With safety in mind, a ground floor soffit location would make fitting the alumahanger easier with use of a stool or small ladder.

In your efforts to keep your hummingbird feeder in shade or perhaps you intend to keep the feeders out of reach of bears with the hummingbird feeder hung higher up on a first floor soffit, you must use a tall ladder to climb up.

Although I'd advise you to think about accessibility as you'd need to access the feeder to change the nectar often, and clean it once in a while.

Screw hook in to plywood soffit

For any of you feeling a little hands on work is in order, with a screw driver or a set of screw hooks on hand, then a bit of DIY can be the order of the day.

While I'd advice against use of screwing directly into your soffit boards - as to avoid spoiling the look and feel of it with a hole drilled in - you could drill in a screw with a hook on the end, if your soffit is made in wood.

Made in plywood of all timber used, this will provide you an opportunity to do it as intended, by drilling into the soffit.

Now, I must tell you if the soffit is made in wood, then its highly unlikely the gaps sitting between each soffit board won't be there. Gaps tend to be made into assembled soffits made in PVC or the like, thus you'd have no option but to drill.

Do refer to any paper you have in your soffit install, but it should be safe to drill someway in without damaging the underside, or indeed the soffit itself which does risk cracking.

Screws with a hook attachment usually aren't made to be screwed in with a screwdriver or a power drill, thus it must be slowly twisted in by hand.

Make sure its a deep screw with the position of the hanging screw hung on the gutter side, of which you could always hang your hummingbird feeder off the gutter, if a soffit location is becoming to much hassle.

Accessible to open/closed window

Now that I've provided you what should be three solid ways to hang a hummingbird feeder off a soffit, let's talk about the all important accessibility.

Its easy to get carried away while finding a way to finally secure a soffit clip, a alumahanger, or a screw on the soffit; once that's done you could forget about the need to access this same point several times a months.

Hummingbird feeders must be cleaned and of course the nectar must be changed out regularly, thus the feeder location must be accessible.

To hang your hummingbird feeder on a soffit like this can have its issues, but nothing you can resolve beforehand... of which let's look at your best option.

When finding a position to insert a device - be it a clip, alumahanger or screw - into the underside of the soffit, I can't emphasis enough for it to be hung directly outside your window.

Be it a ground floor or second floor soffit, to simply open your window to pull in your hummingbird feeder to change and clean - then hang it back on the soffit - couldn't be made easy, though it can be difficult if the hang point is too far up.

With that in mind, the best way to hang a hummingbird feeder anywhere, is to cut the wire or rope its hung off, to a length that is within reach to you.

In this case you can use a length that brings the hummingbird feeder right outside where you open your living room or dining room window, and even your bedroom window.

I'd admit there's the possibility of spilling more nectar like this, but in time you'd get the hang of it, so to speak.

Anchor wire for easy access

While I'd admit, to hang a hummingbird feeder from your soffit to a position right outside your window is a great way to access the feeder when you need to, other reasons could prevent you utilizing a hanging feeder this way.

Could it be your house soffit is too high or could you be living in an apartment.

Well, in that case you can create a sort of pulley system, that will allow you to hang a hummingbird feeder under the soffit as usual - only you can make an easy pulley system which you can use to gently lower or pull back up the feeder to safety.

To do that, you'd first need to insert or screw in any one technique for hanging an hummingbird feeder on the soffit, as explained to you earlier.

Now, on this same hook the hummingbird feeder hangs off, you can loop a long wire or rope over it, of which it must be twice the length of where your hummingbird feeder is hung... which is about twice the height of your house.

What will happen now is, you'll untie the knot where the wire or rope is tied on to, then gently lower the feeder as the wire threads through the soffit hook.

To pull the hummingbird feeder back up, simply overlap your hands to pull it up, and once the correct height is found, tie the wire or rope back to the object on the ground.

I must admit this method could be risky unless the pulley system utilizes a super strong joint where the hook is screwed on to.

To use a soffit clip would risk pulling out the device, and while a deep hook can be used, a closed up loop to make your pulley system safer, is a better option.


Many reasons to hang a hummingbird feeder under the soffit can include a highly visible location, or indeed a way to guarantee to keep nuisance animals off the feeder.

Well, to hang your nectar-filled hummingbird feeder off the soffit will certainly do just that.

What can hold you back in doing so is of course knowing how to hang what can be a heavy hummingbird feeder safely.

You won't know this but sellers do make what is called a soffit clip available: it will allow you to slot this clip in-between the gaps of the PVC soffit board, of which the clip will have a hook on the other end to hang your hummingbird feeder.

And that's it, providing the soffit can remain within reach at all times to clean and change out nectar - use this simple clip to hang hummingbird feeders on the soffit.

Similarly, there's a device called a alumahanger or alumahook which is designed to work like a soffit clip; only this large, heavy duty hook will slot into the round gap on either end of the soffit boards.

If the slot or gap under the soffit isn't available to you, or your soffit boards are made in wood, then feel free to screw in by hand a screw with a hook on the end.

How you access the hummingbird feeder for general maintenance on a regular basis, would be to conveniently hang the hummingbird feeder outside an accessible window.

If the location is too high up the house or apartment, then you could create a simple pulley system for you to access the feeder, without you ever leaving the ground.

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