Backyard Bird Feeding - Page 2
What kind of suet do Cardinals like
Cardinals like suet cakes or fat balls with ingredients made up primarily of seeds, mealworms or fruits, or perhaps a little both of the former.
Can you overfeed backyard birds
Birds on occasion may overdo it with certain bird feed but personally speaking, you can't overfeed birds when only the rare times a bird eats too much.
How to feed birds fat balls
Birds can be fed fat balls in a fat ball feeder with an option to string fat balls up with rope; whereas many more bird species can be fed suet balls in a dish.
Do American Robins eat suet
American Robins do like to eat suet whenever it becomes available in the open, rather than in a feeder, with Robins favoring fruit or mealworm-filled suet.
How to feed Dried Mealworms to wild birds
Dried mealworms can be fed to all bird species at various spots around the yard; add them to a dish, hang them on a pole, or put mealworms in a feeder.
Can you put oats in a bird feeder
When we talk about bird feeders intended for use with seeds, peanuts or suet pellets for example then no, oats cannot be used in bird feeders.
Best way to feed Robins
Robins can use bird feeders yet rarely do, ground feeding birds like Robins forage on the ground, thus your lawn will become the best way to feed Robins.
How to stop birds from wasting food
To stop wastage you'd want to ease back on how much bird food you replenish bird feeders with, including any food left out of feeders.
Where to put Oranges for Orioles
Its possible to attract orioles to eat or sip orange slices or halves if impaled on a visible tree branch, stabbed on oriole feeder spike or wedged on a feeder pole.
How to feed Bluebirds mealworms
Bluebirds can be fed mealworms in an open top dish affixed to their own feeder, or rely on a ceramic pet bowl that can be situated anywhere in the yard.