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Dark-eyed Junco, Cardinal sharing green seed feeder in snowfall scene

Does bird feeder color matter

When it comes to bird feeders its really only the variety of bird feed that attracts wild birds to it, yet a colorful bird feeder can help to stand out on the ground.

Bird feeder color does matter only if your set of feeders don't stand out in your yard, thus you are forced to use a vibrant color, and perhaps reflective copper or steel bird feeders, in an effort to get birds attention. Still, it really doesn't matter what color bird feeders are, so long as they are visible and accessible.

Nah, the color of bird feeders really doesn't matter that much unless your bird feeder color theme is blending in with the decor of your yard.

Not only will this prevent wild birds noticing the bird feeders hanging up in the yard, you will in fact have to buy a new set of bird feeders that at least stand out - in the area of the yard where birds reside on a bird feeder pole or tree.

While the color of bird feeders does matter a little under certain circumstances, it isn't something to really be concerned about.

Birds in your area have evolved enough to seek out new and returning wild bird food resources, with your neighborhood easy to navigate to the same bird feeder location.

Footage of Hummingbird perched on multi color, suspended nectar feeder, which is seen to stand out among the dense natural green foliage.

Really, you don't want to suspend a group of unsightly yellow/blue bird feeders in your yard, when it doesn't match the tone of your yard.

Having said that, this may not apply to a red Hummingbird feeder for example, as red can attract Hummingbirds to feeder because its a color that imitate wild flowers - plus Hummers have come to recognize the color associated with nectar-filled devices.

With Hummingbird feeders being red, you will also do well to attract Orioles to an orange nectar feeder, for reasons similar to Hummingbirds.

Reasons why certain types of bird feeders have adopted a specific color theme, is in an effort to attract wild birds to feeders that match the color of their plumage.

Believe it or not, that really doesn't matter because wild birds aren't currently looking for a mate when they arrive at feeders, they are instead looking for a free meal.

Vibrant colors can benefit

While the color of a bird feeder really doesn't matter one bit, it can help in a way to navigate wild birds to a bird feeder lit up in a vibrant color.

We often suspend bird feeders on a bird feeder pole not so much against a well lit up sky - as the bird feeder pole is impaled in the ground - so instead the classic but dull color bird feeder, probably green or black, will blend against natural foliage.

What can happen is the green theme bird feeder will blend in with its environment, and as a result, wild birds can miss the bird feeders whenever they fly past at roof level.

Similarly, a bird feeding station with a green theme, whilst sitting on a lush green lawn, will only make it hard to see as wild birds pass overhead.

With that in mind, vibrant bird feeders can benefit you in attracting wild birds to a feeder.

Choose a neutral theme if you have to as its unlikely to cause wild birds to go elsewhere.

When you do go for a more vibrant color theme bird feeder, then make it one that is in contrast to where the bird feeder is placed in your yard.

While its hard to buy a Hummingbird feeder that isn't red, and an Oriole feeder that only has an orange theme; at least the default color can benefit you in attracting specific species, with the bonus of many unexpected others.

Better if fitting with yard

Bird feeder color only matters if its in a theme that you are happy to have, suspended or placed anywhere in your yard.

Really there isn't much use taking care to create a beautiful landscaped yard, only to have it ruined with an out of character bird feeder set.

What I mean is, you could take on a painted brown/dark tone fence, wooden shed, doors and planted pots - only to have an unsightly blue bird feeder set.

Like I've mentioned previously, you don't want to add a set of brown bird feeders - which are possibly painted brown wooden bird feeders - when its only going to blend in with a yard, as its finished in the same color theme.

You'd want to pick a color pallet that isn't brown like the theme of your yard, for example, but you don't want to pick a too close color match.

Regardless, I think a set of brown painted or stained bird feeders aren't going to be missed in a yard if it has an abundance of natural plant life, which birds love.

Ignore bird plumage color

When makers of bird feeders produce their range of bird feeders in a certain color, such as red for Hummingbird feeders and orange for Oriole specific feeders, know they will do so for possibly two reason, with only one mattering.

Manufacturer's know that wild birds can be attracted to the plumage of the same species.

Birds do this as to find a mate of the same species yet when it comes to matching this color on a bird feeder, it really doesn't work.

What can work is imitating the color of flowers wild birds would normally feed off in the wild, like orange or red tubular nectar-filled wild flowers, wild birds feed on.

Hummingbirds especially have come to recognize the color red on a bird feeder as a source of nectar; thus you can be sure Hummers know the Hummingbird feeders simply because its lit up in a vibrant red theme.

Bird feeder color does matter when it can attract wild birds to a color theme that matches their natural feeding resources, but less so to imitate their mates, because right now birds want to feed, not to currently find a new mate.


With a colorful bird feeder set suspended over the lawn off a bird feeder pole - or more vibrant color bird feeders suspended among a dense tree - this will certainly do well to grab the attention of passing birds.

With that, a better choice can be a metal bird feeder that gives off a reflection, like copper theme bird feeders that reflect in the sun.

Certainly there are benefits to be had with the color of bird feeder, but the color isn't really that important.

Upgrade a bird feeder set that is too discreet and well hidden due to how it blends in with the environment in your yard, when you feel a brightly colored bird feeder set is sure to get the attention of a variety of wild birds.

Green bird feeders against green foliage for example would need a different color theme, so there's contrasting colors.

You will also want to utilize a set of bird feeders that don't ruin the decor of your yard, so consider picking a bird feeder color theme that you are comfortable with.

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