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Ruby-throated Hummingbird perched on window feeder, visible inside home

Do Hummingbirds like window feeders

You know what Hummingbirds despite their shyness around bird feeders, may be more willing to visit a nectar-filled window feeder, more than regular wild birds do.

Hummingbirds do like window feeders, as much if not more than other wild birds liking of seed-filled window feeders. Hummingbirds can be venturous when it comes to nectar-filled feeders, with a window location just another place. You just need to keep the window free of noise and disturbance.

You know what, if this particular bird feeder has fresh, clean homemade nectar to be had, then in time Hummingbirds are going to really come to like this new location.

Hummingbirds don't really favor one bird feeder to the next, they just like being left alone when it comes to getting their daily intake of nectar. If this window Hummingbird feeder will provide that, then of course Hummers will like this window feeder.

Loyalty will come through in the end as you'll notice not only more Hummingbirds will show up, the same birds will too even if you can't identify one from the next.

Bonus of a window Hummingbird feeder is it doesn't necessary need perches for birds to feed, thus they can quickly sip on nectar before flying away.

Personally I prefer any type of Hummingbird feeder that has perches, as Hummers like to both perch or hover while they eat at feeders.

Focus on setting up an attractive surrounding for your visiting Hummingbirds at the window, as it doesn't hurt to plant nectar wild flowers under the windowsill. Always situate the window Hummingbird feeder in a sunny location, as oppose to the shade.

With benefits to be had for your Hummingbirds at the window, because not only is it generally a safer location, you can keep an eye on the nectar-level more often.

I will suggest you consider utilizing a window bird feeder as one of many types of Hummingbird feeders you can scatter around the yard - all in an effort to attract as many Hummingbirds as you can.

Hummingbirds come to windows

Certainly it can take time for a number of Hummingbirds to get used to your window positioned bird feeder, but once they do - Hummingbirds will appreciate any type of nectar-filled feeder - providing its visible and continues to be accessible.

Hummingbirds love nothing more than your traditional suspended feeder, but as you will know, there's nothing that comes close to a hanging Hummingbird feeder... than one that is stuck to glass with use of suction cups.

For Hummingbirds to eventually get used to this unusual new type of Hummingbird feeder, you will just need to leave it alone like any bird feeder in the yard.

Situate the Hummingbird feeder up to 3-4 feet off the ground - which means the feeder is located nearer to the windowsill - as a lower down position will feel more at home.

Hummingbirds won't like a noisy window nor one that is out of the way, thus to situate the Hummingbird feeder on the sunny side of the house, will help a ton.

What window is important

Not a massive number of Hummingbirds will like a window feeder, but that isn't to say you can't attract enough to make it worth your while.

And while one or two Hummers begin to show up, it can only be matter of time before that number increases again.

What you'd hang a Hummingbird feeder on normally, like a bird feeding station pole bracket, its nothing like sticking a feeder to a window. Regardless, you will still need to replicate the conditions set on a bird feeder pole.

Remember, you can also hang a Hummingbird feeder outside a window directly, with use of a window hanger - which is to hang traditional suspended Hummingbird feeders - plus the option to hang the same nectar feeders with a length of rope tied above.

What window you should be thinking about to stick a window bird feeder on, will obviously be a quiet one.

With that, no disturbance outside or inside the home is allowed, nor can you allow pets like cats, to lie on the windowsill, as they watch the world go by.

Said window will be one that is primarily left alone all day on the ground floor, yet there is an option to apply a window Hummingbird feeder to a balcony window if available.

Attracted if left alone

Hummingbirds really do love themselves a Hummingbird feeder that is usually hanging off a well left alone, and very isolated bird feeder pole in the yard.

For that kind of dedication to apply to a window Hummingbird feeder, leaving this location alone for as long as you can - will only encourage a mix of Hummingbirds to the nectar-filled window feeder.

Really though, you must still change out the nectar once in a while to avoid it going bad, and so to should you clean the Hummingbird feeder twice or three times monthly, to kill off bacteria both inside and outside of the feeder.

With this must-do maintenance work to carry out regularly, and the only interaction at the window feeder on your part; Hummingbird feeders that are attached to a quiet window location, must really be left alone.

You can observe the Hummingbird feeder to watch potential Hummers coming and going - including other wild bird species - from a different window if you cannot guarantee peace and quiet.

To view Hummingbirds from inside the window where the feeder is mounted to, you must already be sitting/standing it that same room, because walking into it, will simply scare off Hummingbirds.

Hummingbird feeders, admittedly, can't be put anywhere in the yard as Hummingbirds won't respond positively to it, but in time a window feeder can at least attract Hummers - with the window location generally being a safe place to feed birds.


Not only can your usual timid Hummingbirds come to a window bird feeder, but when they do they will be as loyal to it as a pole suspended Hummingbird feeder.

All you need to do is provide Hummers the space to feed at the window with no noise or disturbance, that is bound to constantly scare them off.

Hummingbirds do like themselves a nectar-filled Hummingbird feeder wherever you've put it in the yard, thus a window location isn't any different. Allow time for the feeder to be both found and used, where it will be kept in a bright, highly visible window location.

What window you choose to mount the window Hummingbird feeder to will depend on your circumstances.

In doing so though, pick a window where its quiet in the inside of the home, yet goes undisturbed out in the yard.

An upstairs window will do if its accessible just as you can successfully attract wild birds to a balcony window feeder, several floors off the ground.

Hummingbirds will gradually come to a Hummingbird feeder and return if they know its a safe place to go.

In time more Hummers will hopefully follow suit and before you know it, Hummingbirds in their dozens could come back to the same location daily.

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