Can a birdhouse be too big
One of several components that go into building a birdhouse is correct internal dimensions, get it wrong and birds won't nest, or they will but species you didn't intend.
Birdhouses can be too big as it must be a species specific size box, with correct internal measurements. Birds build their own nest inside a birdhouse using all natural material; if its too big then the nest can't be made the normal way, when extra material has to make up for additional space.
Seems like a mild thing to be concerned about I know but it is true unfortunately, mostly made at home birdhouses can be too big, which can result in no birds nesting at all.
When your common birdhouse bird begins to build their nest inside the wooden box, they do so with a match to how they build their nests in the wild. Think about that for a second as a too big birdhouse can cause a nest to be built differently inside of it, due to extra space.
Not in a positive way either as birds come to depend on the correct size box so their nest can fill up the floor with no additional spacing.
Birds can adapt but there's a likelihood birds won't use enough nesting material to make up for the shortfall, with a potential collapse of the nest if it isn't pushed up against the internal walls, as it normally would be inside a correct size box.
Birdhouses continue to be a good idea for birds but its important its built with the correct size internal measurements - just as you would expect the entry hole or indeed where you place the birdhouse within your yard, to be 100% on point.
Birds can still happily nest in a too big box but in the end its still an incorrectly built birdhouse, which must be doubt with as soon as birds vacant the box come the end of their nesting season.
Birdhouses can be too Big
Its a long shot but there is a possibility of any kind of birdhouse being too big really. Bird species demand their own specific size birdhouse, of which a too big or small box wouldn't be within their requirements.
Birds who we make room for in our birdhouses tend to be those who nest in a tight, small but safe cavity in a tree.
Birdhouses aren't like that because the space internally will always be bigger than where a bird nests in the wild.
However, experts like AUDUBON have gathered enough information to know that not so much the approximate size box is best - but they know the exact specifications a birdhouse must be in order to attract specific bird species.
Birdhouses can then be too big when making your own, thus its vital you follow strict rules for how big should a birdhouse be, for what bird species you intend to attract to it.
Common backyard birds all tend to nest in a similar size birdhouse utilizing a 4 by 4 inch floor; although its worth mentioning there is a possible chance of an acceptable margin of error - in a too small or large wooden birdhouse.
Unlikely to nest in oversize box
Whilst you certainly can't rule out never getting the birds you intended to attract, into a too big birdhouse, it can and does happen all the time.
Despite that nice little encouragement you can hold on to as I know its difficult to get birds to come to your birdhouse to begin with - you still must shoot for the correct size birdhouse, whilst leaning to towards internal measurements.
Birds are unlikely to make a too big birdhouse their home over the spring because they know dangers lie ahead.
Birdhouse birds know about safety thus a too large birdhouse they decide to commit to over the coming months can feel safe at the beginning - only there's a possible chance they will soon abandon it when they realize it isn't.
Size is very important to our backyard birds much like a specific size entry hole or where the birdhouse is situated within your yard. In the end all comes together to make safe but suitable living conditions for wild birds.
What kind of bird houses do wild birds really like is the internal measurements intended for their species. If you get it wrong birds can still nest in it, only it can lead to trouble down the road - as outlined below.
Risks attracting unwanted species
Why manufacturer's with the assistance of AUDUBON and other groups recommend a specific size birdhouse, is to first attract a specific species to it, but in the end will keep them and their young safely tucked away.What really makes a good birdhouse is a combination of many features and elements: it must have a correct size hole, placement of entry hole on front - plus the environment where the birdhouse is mounted, and how high off the ground.
Get one or two wrong I would expect few consequences, only if you get the internal dimensions wrong, it can lead to all kinds of trouble.
Let me just say though a birdhouse that is too big for the species it was intended for, will feel as if their swimming in such a large box - thus you can expect interest but never end up getting one bird to nest.
And if its the wrong size box what's to say everything else is incorrect. What that can lead to is an accessible birdhouse for the species it wasn't intend for - plus the idea of predators accessing the birdhouse easier if its far too big for their needs.
Birdhouses are made for the bird species specific girth so they have the room to nest, plus can exit and enter the box without any sizing issues.
Risks of attracting the wrong bird species is minor compared to inviting squirrels, snakes to raccoon's helping themselves to the eggs or something far more gruesome.
I do believe birdhouses can be too big, as its a well known fact your most common birdhouse birds prefer their own species specific box.
Get it wrong then its likely no birds will nest in it at all, or at least birds will but it won't be those you intended to attract.
Internal birdhouse measurements do matter as much as the entry hole size or where the birdhouse must be situated in your yard.
Birds feel around a birdhouse prior to making it their home, thus if it feels like they are swimming in it, they will go away and not come back. Birds tend to like a tight squeeze in a new birdhouse so a too big box can keep must birds away.
Some birds at times will come to a too large size birdhouse internally, but its rare.
If anything a too small birdhouse internally will be more appealing to birds, as they favor the tightness over an over sized box that will in the end - call for the birds to build a bigger nest to stop it collapsing if it doesn't push up against the internal walls.