Best places to hang Hummingbird feeders
It does depend on individual circumstances although wherever you are, you can always depend on a bird feeder pole like a Shepherd's Hook or bird feeding station.
Where is the best places to hang hummingbird feeders is on a pole, situated in a bed of colorful nectar-filled flowers. Similarly, hang your feeder under or below a basket of bug-attracting plants. Open to all with a bird feeder pole located in a clearing with plenty of sunshine and clear sky, with an option of more shade.
Where hummingbirds will come to your yard first thing, with no hummingbird feeder in sight - is in a bed of nectar-filled flowers or plants that is surrounding in bugs.
Nectar is of course what hummers feed on in the wild to receive a much needed boost of energy, all while hummers feed on bugs such as ants to fruit flies found around plants.
With that in mind you can plant nectar flowers for later use, while concentrating on quickly growing plants that will in turn, attract bugs - followed by hungry hummingbirds eating them all up.
Grow bug-attracting plants in a hanging basket because then you can hang a hummingbird feeder off it below, or hang the feeder directly above. Which is all in an effort to keep hummers within reach of the nectar-filled hummingbird feeder and bugs.
What makes a good hummingbird feeder for all this to work out, is a multiple port well hummingbird feeder - to allow many hummers to feed at the same time in all directions.
Nature can be avoided if you like when use of a bird feeder pole is all that is needed.
Locate the pole in the center of a bright yard with a clear sky above; you can then guarantee your top rated hummingbird feeder will be seen by passing hummingbirds.
If experiencing severe hot weather do prioritize hanging the feeder in shade, while the hummingbird feeder can remain in mild sunshine only - all done to sustain the nectar which can spoil if its in direct heat for too long.
With all that being said, hummers are unlikely to forage in and among trees thus you can avoid hanging a hummingbird feeder in a tree - although it can be an option with a bold or clearly visible hummingbird feeder among open bare branches.
Above or under bug-attracting plants

Where is the best place to hang a hummingbird feeder would naturally be within their current feeding area - which can be around plants filled with bugs or insects. Although attracting bees near a nectar-filled hummingbird feeder can become a pain later.
Hummingbirds don't only feed on hummingbird feeder thus will feed in the wild on a range of bugs, including but not limited to: ants, flies, aphids, beetles, mites and mosquitoes.
All of which can be found on compositae flowers of the daisy and sunflower family.
What you do then is hang hummingbird feeders above, under or amongst a basket of flowers that can include one or many of Black-eyed Susan, Blue Lobelia, Cup Plants, Marigolds, Milkweed, Riddell's Goldenrod and Yellow Giant Hyssops.
Plant all or few of these flower species in a bed of soil hanging in a sunny part of the yard to attract hummers to the bugs that infest the flower basket.
With that in mind the hummingbird feeder can be in contact with the flowers - although its best to keep a distance between flowers and feeder - to keep the port wells where hummingbird sip nectar out of accessible.
Where to hang the flower basket in order to hang the hummingbird feeder can be off a porch post, the side of the house, a post in the middle of the yard or if you have to - on the side of the shed.
Low among colorful flowers

While I recommend you hang your hummingbird feeders off a bird feeder pole for now, located within a clearing in the yard - then many months from now you can attract hummers to a yard full of nectar-filled flowers.
Begin with a planter or the boundary of the yard to plant your tubular flowers in the ground.
You must pick brightly-colored nectar flowers which consist of the gardens favorite perennials - with bee balms, columbines, daylilies, and lupines - plus long term flowers made available all year.
Obviously, you cannot hang hummingbird feeders off nectar flowers, but you can hang feeders among flowers off a bird feeder pole.
Nectar flowers can grow up to 7 feet, thus its a safe height off the ground to keep hummingbirds safe on feeders - although the flowers in your garden will probably grow much shorter.
What you can do is situate a bird feeder pole in and among these nectar-filled flowers as to give hummers a choice of feeders or flowers - although its possible hummers will use both or none at all if feeders are available elsewhere in the yard.
Best place to hang hummingbird feeder then is if its hung off a pole in a bed of nectar flowers that are open to the sun, yet are fully accessible to hummingbirds.
Open to all Hummingbirds on pole

Where to hang a hummingbird feeder I feel to be the best place it can be hung, even with the possibility of using bug-attracting plants or nectar-filled flowers, is on an heavy duty metal bird feeder pole.
Bird feeder pole would be a Shepherd's Hook or a bird feeding station with one or multiple brackets.
Brackets of which would only be used to hang hummingbird feeders on - as hummers won't share a space alongside other common backyard bird species.
With that in mind a bully hummingbird could spoil the party as its takes of a feeder.
You may need to add more hummingbird feeders around your yard while keeping the hummingbird feeders well apart at least 6-8 feet - or further away if the bully hummer insists on causing a nuisance.
Situate the bird feeder pole for use by hummingbird feeders located in the sunshine if you can - all while consider prioritizing a shaded area to at least sustain the sugar water.
Bird feeder poles can attract hummingbirds to it if its seen, thus a central location in the yard, which would probably be on the lawn - can be the spot where to place the bird feeder pole.
With all that being said, of course a hanging hummingbird feeder is the best kind to use, while there's an option to use a window hummingbird feeder or to situate what is a hummingbird feeder to hang - but can be put on a table or a flat surface in the garden.
Similarly to a bird feeder pole is a deck mounted bird bath, which can consist of a pole to hang hummingbird feeders, thus there's always options if your living space is limited.
I will also add, a low hanging hummingbird feeder would need to be avoided when suspended nectar-filled feeder off an moat to stop ants accessing the nectar. Hanging ant moats add length, thus can dangerously shorten the distance to the ground.
Ants who access the interior of an hummingbird feeder have the potential to hurt hummingbirds, and thus its vitally important to deter ants with a hanging ant moat if any issues arise later.
Lit up in sun with shade area

Whilst the best place to hang a hummingbird feeder must be a bird feeder pole for most of you... of course its a matter of should it be in or out of the sun.
You could find common ground by prioritizing more sun with a little shade to keep the homemade nectar cool.
However, depending on the time of year a nectar filled hummingbird feeder is going to spoil rapidly in summer or in humid conditions.
And I will say to try and keep your nectar at a cool or room temperature is going to be impossible with or without shade.
Regardless, I will recommend you prioritize hanging your hummingbird feeder in as much shade as possible. Bear in mind hummers like to feed under the sun, thus a little sun won't hurt if it at least attracts more hummingbirds.
Hummingbird feeders are safe to hang in your yard although there is risk of it clouding over, mold growing or the nectar quickly spoiling in hotter conditions.
What you can do is use an open, bright clearing in the yard that is out of direct sun yet utilizes the shade to keep nectar for longer.
Under porch cover

What I have suggested to be the best places to hang hummingbird feeders thus far could be in bug-attracting plants or in and amongst colorful nectar-filled flowers.
Hummingbird feeders will be hung off a bird feeder pole while planted within these colorful flowers and plants.
Bird feeder pole is recommended for most of you but if you have a covered porch available, this can also be a very good place to hang a hummingbird feeder.
Hummingbirds like to feed out in a clearing with plenty of sunshine; with that being said hummers can begin to trust you enough to feed out of your hands - so of course hummers can be tempted to feed out of hummingbird feeders hung under the deck or porch.
Why hang a hummingbird feeder under a porch which according to me, can be a little restricting for use with a hummingbird feeder.. is because it can also benefit hummingbirds in two ways.
First, the covered porch can be attended by you more regularly in bad weather while allowing hummers to continue to feed even in torrential rain.
Second of all, of course a porch under a roof creates the much needed shade to help sustain the hummingbird feeder food.
In addition to all that, you can utilize hanging flower baskets to attract hummers to the porch - or deck if that is what you use - with bug-attracting flowers.
To summarize
Where is the best place to hang hummingbird feeders is actually under or above bug-attracting plants.
Hang a plant basket with the hummingbird feeder above it, or use the basket to hang the hummingbird feeder below it. What will happen is hummers will be attracted to the kind of bugs these plant baskets attract, while in time hummers will come to the feeder.
What else is an effective way of attracting hummers is to draw them in to a nectar-filled bed of flowers.
Hummingbirds may initially feed off flowers but the convenience of the hummingbird feeder hanging among the bed of flowers will be too tempting.
Hummingbird feeders cannot be hung on nectar-filled flowers of course thus a bird feeder pole will have to be impaled into the bed of flowers as a way to hang.
If you are someone who tends to avoid growing flowers or plants in the yard, don't despair as a bird feeder pole is all you'll need.
In fact, a bird feeder pole just may be the best way to hang a hummingbird feeder for everyone - as it can be located anywhere with one or multiple hummingbird feeders hung within a group.
Situate the hummingbird feeder on a pole within a sunny spot, although do prioritize the shade in summer or if the homemade nectar is spoiling to quickly under the heat.
Hummingbirds like to feed in the sun so keep that in consideration when locating a hummingbird feeder in the yard.
Finally, if you have a covered porch available do hang a hummingbird feeder beneath it to locate the feeder near flower baskets, all while the feeders remain under shade.