Backyard Birding Advice - Page 4
How to keep Hummingbird feeder warm in winter
Hummingbird feeders can really only be kept warm with winter sun, you can then think about using a hot water bottle to finish off the day.
Should birdhouses have a perch
Birdhouses featuring a perch is one of many issues involving a problematic box; if the birdhouse has a perch present, remove it, as it gives predators a foothold.
Best color for a bird bath
What color theme you choose for a bird bath can be in any vibrant color you are happy with, but this bird bath should really be pushed in a flower bed.
How to hang bird feeder from gutter
Bird feeders can be hung anywhere off a gutter if its brand new or made in metal; to use a less safe plastic gutter will require some caution.
Are bird feeders Good or Bad idea
Subsidizing wild birds at feeders can only be a good idea, although its safe to say when people begin to not care later on, then it can be bad for birds.
Can you put a Hummingbird feeder anywhere
You can put a Hummingbird feeder anywhere Hummingbirds are found to frequent in your yard; although putting a feeder in to a new location needs planning.
6 actionable bird feeder placement tips
Play it safe by hanging bird feeders in the center of the lawn to be sure its seen by as many birds as possible, only then can you change location.
Best place to hang bird feeders
Best possible place bird feeders can be hung in your yard is off a bird feeder pole, so all feeders can be located in an open clearing, above a sunlit lawn.
Are bird baths bad
Bird baths can quickly become a bad idea as soon as you realize you can't commit to the maintenance, thus a bird bath can only be good if you put in the work.
How high should a Bluebird feeder be
Bluebirds are always at risk of being a victim to cats or predators on the ground, thus a mealworm-filled Bluebird feeder must be kept above 4 feet.